

There are so many ways to impart information. Charts, statistics, resumes, fact sheets, definitions, illustrations, videos, websites and more. Yet throughout time, the most effective way to communicate is through the simple art of Storytelling. Using a narrative structure, where characters face challenges has proven to be the most effective and durable form of communication, dating back as far as recorded time.

Even before writing was codified and created, people gathered around fires or tables to share Stories of bravery, danger, history and reverence.

Our Lord’s Story was passed down through Storytelling, until Matthew, an apostle and eyewitness, penned his gospel around 60 A.D. Listeners became believers, few became many, and Christianity eventually spread around the world, becoming the most powerful unifying force in civilization ever.

Why? In large part due to the number of Stories repeated. Stories clearly communicating God’s truth, inspiring people to become believers, and connecting believers into community.

By adapting what needs to be conveyed into a format where we identify with one another and are absorbed in the lesson, we become impacted by the Story, often without realizing it. The lesson stays with us, a subtle byproduct of the emotional connection created in the Story.



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