3% Challenge

Did you know it only takes 3% of the population to change the culture? Will you be a part of the 3%?

Watch the video to learn more.

The Christian 3% Pledge

WHEREAS the BIBLE is God’s word,
the foundation of all TRUTH

WHEREAS God is the same yesterday,
today & tomorrow

WHEREAS God is all-powerful,

WHEREAS God’s ways are far beyond man’s ways

WHEREAS Jesus is THE Way,
THE Truth, THE Life

WHEREAS God sent His one only begotten son,
Jesus Christ, to earth to die for our sins

WHEREAS God is the creator of all things,
the author and finisher of life

WHEREAS God created me uniquely and prepared me for a purposeful life

WHEREAS God has given each of us a free will
WHEREAS one day I will give an account for how I lived on earth

WHEREAS I believe 3% of a group, sold out to these living truths will change the culture in a generation

THEREFORE I commit to
live a life of holiness in obedience to God’s commands

THEREFORE I commit to
be the truest, boldest version of me, God has made me to be

THEREFORE I commit to
live unapologetically as a disciple of Christ in the workplace, without excuses, without fear

THEREFORE I commit to
look for opportunities to be a gospel patron

THEREFORE I commit to
live in the present, bringing eternity into today