Divine Appointments

Divine Appointments

When was the last day in your life things did not go as you expected?

Why do people get so concerned when their plans for the day are disrupted?

What is the secret to living a contented life?

Why is it important to ask questions?

What should I write about today?

Last Monday, November 18, I had a phone call with Michael Pink. Seldom do I have a conversation with someone with a national reputation, who has a strong faith in God. It is rare for me to significantly alter my plans for the week.

For those who do not know, Michael Pink is a national sales trainer. He learned sales by examining Scriptural models, and learned patterns in nature which accomplished results.

Near the end of our 90-minute conversation, God stirred each of us to have another conversation the next day about Michael coming to Louisville to present his sales training. Within 30 hours we were working out the final details for Michael to come to Louisville in 16 days, expecting to draw 50-100 to attend his training.

Sales training, based on God’s WORD, is certainly something I will benefit from. And so will those who attend the training.

I consider this disruption in my life a divine appointment. Totally unexpected.

This change of focus gave me a reason to have daily meaningful conversations with Daniel, my youngest son who started a marketing business about four weeks earlier.

I learned about social media marketing at a deeper level in the following days.

My other responsibilities and priorities of life did not go away. I continued to work on fourth quarter sales goals and made sure the annual Louisville Prayer Breakfast was organized and promoted. I am still a husband, father, and friend with ongoing family and social engagements on the calendar.

Some would contend this was a distraction instead of a divine appointment. How does one discern the difference?

I suggest discernment of divine appointments starts with believing God is active in our lives, has our best interest at heart, and at times answers prayers in ways different from we pray for.

It takes having an appreciation for cancelled appointments providing time to complete more important task. Recognizing the benefit of a delay sending you in another direction. Being okay with outcomes for another person’s benefit.

It helps to remember God’s ways are far above our ways, He is far more powerful than we can imagine, and we were created for His pleasure.

I am looking forward to the coming weeks to see and experience the result of this recent divine appointment in my life. I look forward to becoming better at sales, to having a working relationship with Daniel, to seeing the impact this training multiplies to others I am in relationship with.

I will learn more about how social media marketing works, how many people pay attention to communication from me, and the status of the world we live in.

I look forward to seeing the results of this disruption in my life. It will be an interesting couple of weeks leading up to and following this training. I pray for open eyes to see additional benefits for myself and others.

I will enjoy another journey with God, at this time not knowing the destination.

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