

Children are eager to learn. Some more than others. Their eagerness to learn is often stifled by how they are raised and life experiences.

I was extremely blessed to be raised in a home of unconditional love and encouragement to learn and experience life with confidence to accomplish anything I set my mind to. Yet, my parents made sure I was provided a life with boundaries, age appropriate responsibilities, and correction to teach me the difference from right and wrong. I was allowed to make mistakes and helped to recover from those mistakes. GOD was a key part of my upbringing, with an emphasis on GOD sets the rules, worship of GOD is an important part of the rhythm of life, and we should have joy in serving others.

I have been so blessed. Thanks Mom! Thanks Dad! Thanks be to GOD!

I was 35 years old before I realized what a blessed foundation for life I was given. Since then, the passage in Scripture: “to whom much is given, much is required,” has been of special concern to me. The more I realize how blessed I have been by God, through my parents, life setting, etc., the sense of “much is required” is of increasing concern.

With each decade of life I have an increasing appreciation for the character qualities of life, an understanding of what is TRUTH, and the intangible items in life which make life full of joy, meaning and fulfillment.

“What does God want me to do with all the blessings HE has bestowed on me?” is a question I reflect on more and more as I age.

This is a question each of us should be asking ourselves. But it first requires us to recognize and appreciate the blessings GOD has given each of us. GOD blesses each individual with unique gifts, skills, and life experiences. Do we see these as blessings, or do we develop a sense of entitlement to them?

We come in to this world with nothing, and we leave with nothing from a physical perspective. Yet we leave with our character, soul, mind, and being.

When we consider the blessings of life, do we focus on the tangible items we will leave behind: our health, home, and possessions? Or the intangible blessings we will take with us: our character, integrity, and knowledge of the One True and Living God.

How much of eternity do we include in our decisions each day? Are we even asking the question, “What does GOD require me to do with all of the blessings He has given me?”

GOD creates and blesses each of us uniquely. Thus there is no checklist to be presented to any of us as to what GOD requires anyone to do with their individual or collective set of blessings.

LORD, help me to see things more and more as YOU see them. Help me to count my blessings in full each day. Open my eyes in how to be a better and better steward of these blessings.

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