Children tend to believe what they are told is truth. Good parents are diligent to teach them lying, stealing, etc. are sinful activities.
Where forgiveness, faithfulness, sacrifice, etc. fit into life, will mostly depend on how those around them practiced these characteristics from the time they were conceived.
Even while a child is developing in the womb, the environment they are living in begins to shape and mold their character, what they believe, how they will live.
George Barna contends from his extensive research: by the age of 13 it is difficult, nearly impossible, to adjust the worldview of an individual. Thus, George contends there should be an emphasis by parents, the Church, and others to expose and shape a child to a Biblical worldview at the earliest age as possible.
Because a person’s worldview is set at an early age, is it any wonder adults regularly express they cannot stop sinning because they are human?
How often are statements in Scripture considered impossible for a person to experience on a regular basis, as in James 1:2 where it states, “count it all joy when you fall into various trials,” or Matthew 5:43 where we are commanded to “love our enemies.”
When someone has not been raised in a home full of joy and love, how does one embrace these life characteristics they are not exposed to until much later in life?
I believe in these cases, a person has to first believe Matthew 19:26, “with God all things are possible.”
In other words, to change our beliefs, we need to keep reminding ourselves what is TRUE, even while we do not believe it to be true, until we begin to experience the TRUTH in our life.
As one very blessed to be raised in a home of unconditional love, full of encouragement to do what is RIGHT before God, I recognize the worldview I was gifted with prepared me to continue to make adjustments in life as I learned more.
I learned to press into conflict, practice boldness, be humble, extend forgiveness, and other Christian characteristics which were not prominent in the home I was raised in.
To develop these characteristics I needed to first be convicted each of these characteristics should be embraced, start practicing the characteristic, and remind myself regularly to do things very unnatural to me. The more I exercised the characteristic, the more natural it became.
Over time, decades in most cases, others would see these characteristics in me and have a difficult time believing they were developed characteristics.
Thus, a reminder to us all, when we embrace the Truths in Scripture on how we should live, we will be sanctified over time as we allow God to transform our character into the likeness of Christ.
Let us continue to stir one another on to love and good works. Let us continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. Let us never tire of serving the One True and Living God.
To HIM only, be the glory, now and forever, AMEN.