For those of you who have not been around me much recently, in the past four months I have been going around barefoot more and more.
During this time I have become more and more comfortable doing so, and have learned to articulate three good reasons for going barefoot.
With the weather getting colder and realizing this may just be a season of life which could end as quickly as it started, I am recording the three reasons here for others to consider and give me feedback on the reasonableness of my thinking.
1. It is healthy to go barefoot.
People going barefoot have fewer foot and ankle injuries. You will have better posture and balance, with less knee, hip, and back issues. Being more connected to the magnetic fields (energy core) of the earth, your immune system will be stronger. I feel better and it is more comfortable.
2. It is a great conversation starter.
Mostly it is people talking to one another about you. When curiosity causes friends, acquaintances, and even strangers to inquire why am I going around barefoot, I get to share with them several lies related to going barefoot which are simply not true. These lies include:
- OSHA, FDA, EPA, etc. have never issued a recommendation nor requirement for customers to wear shoes.
- There has never been a law requiring drivers to wear shoes.
- You are NOT more likely to get a cold or infectious disease by going barefoot. Getting colds and diseases is much more dependent on the strength of one’s immune system.
There are many other related lies related to going barefoot which are widely accepted. These typically suffice for a person to realize many fairly universally accepted beliefs are not true. There have been multiple controlled studies demonstrating 75% of people will declare things they know are false, as being true, due to their desire to be part of the peer group they are in. It is the minority who will hold to truth when those around them profess a different reality.
And the lies about going barefoot are insignificant compared to the big lies accepted by society on a regular basis.
Time permitting, I am glad to share how evil people and Communism have no moral code to direct their actions and regularly spread lies to create confusion and chaos in society, to manipulate outcomes for them to be in control, have power, etc.
The evil in the world is much greater than people care to acknowledge. The lies of Satan permeate our world. To overcome an opponent you need to first acknowledge the opponent exists and is formidable.
I am getting too deep in the weeds, so let me continue.
3. It develops confidence and boldness of character.
To go around barefoot one certainly will be noticed and attract attention. Continuing to be in public barefoot will get increasingly comfortable. Convictions will deepen as one develops their ability to articulate why they do what they do and what they believe.
This strength of character they develop should then be transferred to their belief in Christ. I believe one of the main reasons our country is in the shape it is today is because Christians have stopped shaping society.
In stepping back from the public arena, evil has filled the void. Christians need to be the salt and light in the world, unashamedly and boldly living their faith publically to give glory to the One True and Living God.
As I share these reasons with others, I have received very positive feedback on these being very good reasons. Of course this could be my ignoring reality, or it may be they are simply avoiding what they perceive as potential conflict.
I welcome your feedback. We too seldom honor one another by giving feedback, positive or negative.